Privacy Policy

Describes what kind of personal data the website with the address of the website with the address “” collects, how personal data is used, who it can share your personal data with, what your rights to your personal data are, and how you can use those rights, and how to change your positive or negative preferences for receiving electronic commercial messages.

(Will be called from now on.)

Personal Data Processed, Personal Data Processing Purpose and Legal Basis in order to better serve your members and to combat crimes processed through The Regulation of Publications Made on The Internet No. 5651 and the relevant secondary legislation, the Law on The Regulation of Electronic Commerce No. 6563 and the relevant secondary legislation, the Turkish Penal Code No. 5237 and the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 within the framework of the legal obligation arising from the relevant legislation; personal data (name, last name, date of birth, mobile phone number, email, gender, address, social media accounts that will enable you to meet the purposes and legal obligations in question) the information that the member approves to be shared through those channels, all the shopping information of the member, i.e. which member workplace, shopping point and time, how much it pays, what campaign he receives, the amount of discount he receives,

the product information in the exchange, the product information on the app and click information the location information that it opens the application) requests you.

In order to benefit from the services provided by, information security measures will be processed and stored by taking information security measures with registration, not to be used outside the scope and for the purposes set out by this Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy and Communication Consent, in accordance with your express consent.

Cookie Usage

Cookies are text files that contain small particles of information that are uploaded by your internet browser and stored on your computer, mobile phone, or tablet when you visit or connect to the’s platforms or from the mobile site. Under the legal obligation of the, it will collect, process, share and store your browsing information provided that it is not used for purposes set out by this Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy. The cookies we

use to collect your browsing information are held by the browser you use. to provide you with special promotions, promotions and marketing offers, improve the content of the website for you, and/or determine your preferences; monitors your browsing information and/or membership usage history on the site. can match different methods or information collected on the site at different times and use that information with information from other sources, such as third parties. Such pairing and use will remain solely within the scope of the purposes and scope set out by this Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy.

Types of Cookies uses session cookies and persistent cookies on its website and mobile site. The session ID cookie ends when you close your browser. The persistent cookie stays on your hard drive for a long time. You can remove persistent cookies and reject both session cookies and persistent cookies by following the instructions in your internet browser’s “help” file or visiting “” or “” address. If you reject persistent

cookies or session cookies, you can still use the website and mobile site, but you may not be able to access or access all functions of the website and mobile site. cookies are also; use search engines to offer you ads that’s platforms and you might be interested in when you visit websites advertised. When presenting these ads, a unique third-party cookie can be placed in your browser so that can recognize you. (“Google”) uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service. Google Analytics uses cookies to analyze how visitors use the website/mobi site. Information about your use of this website/mobile app/mobile site (including your IP address) is transferred to Google and stored by Google on servers in the United States. Google will evaluate your use of its website/mobile site, compile website/mobile site activity, and