Terms of Use


This agreement is an agreement between you and a website bodrumcity.com. This agreement sets out the rules for using bodrumcity.com. When you access or use the site, you agree that you will comply with these Terms and Conditions (“Terms of Agreement”) in any case.

Before accessing the bodrumcity.com website or using the site, please read this contract text carefully, access the bodrumcity.com website or use the bodrumcity.com website, and agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions. If you do not wish to agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions, you may not access the website bodrumcity.com, use the website bodrumcity.com, and if you have started using the bodrumcity.com website immediately, you do not want to be bound by such terms and conditions. The side of the contract and the website of the bodrumcity.com may always make changes to this agreement, and these changes take effect immediately with the introduction of the amended contract to the bodrumcity.com website. You periodically agree to review the contract to be informed of these changes. Your ongoing access to bodrumcity.com website and your ongoing action to use the ongoing bodrumcity.com website will mean that you have categorically accepted the amended contract.


Various types of information, text, photography, design, graphics, visuals, effects and other materials are used on our site.

Information, content and advertisements on the bodrumcity.com website for YOUR PERSONAL, NON-COMMERCIAL USE (these are collectively referred to by us as “Materials”). Therefore, you may view, use, copy, and distribute materials on the bodrumcity.com website only for internal, non-commercial, informational purposes. You are prohibited from collecting, storing, storing, storing, or using processes or transactions that automatically send queries to the bodrumcity.com website. bodrumcity.com website cannot be used to compile any record and list collection, including a list of competition products and services. Site or Materials may not be used in any advertising email if not requested. Copyrights, trademarks, patents or intellectual rights of defined Materials, products, services, transactions

and technologies are not donated to you. All such rights are reserved by bodrumcity.com, affiliates, affiliated companies and/or third party owners. bodrumcity.com, even if the website’s authorized representatives bodrumcity.com not using or using the website, any transactions, services, information, data and any other material provided or downloaded through the website, or any other material provided or downloaded through the website, or any delay of such information or services, risk or indirect damages (including but not limited to loss of profit, loss of work, loss of programs or information) bodrumcity.com will not be responsible.


bodrumcity.com brand, logos, all related product and service names, slogans, trademarks and service marks belong to bodrumcity.com and affiliates, under the license of bodrumcity.com. All other trademarks and service marks herein belong to their respective owners. Any copy you make from materials or sites must comply with the copyright, trademark or patent warnings on the site. the name and materials of bodrumcity.com without the prior written permission of bodrumcity.com cannot be used in any advertising, promotion and commercial action. Permission applications must be made to info@bodrumcity.com address.


Do not send us confidential and personal information. Any material, feedback, data, answer, question, comments, suggestions and ideas you will send to us will be deemed to be confidential and not personal. bodrumcity.com has no obligation to protect confidential and personal information from exposure and has the right to bodrumcity.com, re-establish, use and share information with others without any limitations. bodrumcity.com also has the right to use all information, including any ideas, concepts, experience information, method information, technical knowledge, development, production, marketing products and services sent by you. AGE: The bodrumcity.com website is primarily designed for the use of people aged 18 and over.


bodrumcity.com website is primarily designed for the use of people aged 18 and over. If you are under 18, please ask your parents if this is appropriate and permission before sharing your name, address, email address or any information about you with us online. the bodrumcity.com website does not aim to collect personal information from individuals under the age of 18 that can be exposing without the permission of their parents.


bodrumcity.com downloaded from Websites, accessed, linked, distributed; the accuracy, legality, legitimacy, validity or reliability of any products, services, discounts, coupons, promotions or materials containing advice, scoring, offer, recommendations are not investigated, represented or confirmed by us. References to any names, brands, products or services of third parties, links to third-party sites or information; the quality, advice, information of any product or service to third parties; does not mean that it supports, sponsored and recommends any products or services purchased after the offer.


bodrumcity.com advertisers, content partners, software developers, media, advertising agencies, employers, users, resellers, and other third parties.

bodrumcity.com has no control over the accuracy of this data on its pages. Content on the bodrumcity.com website is not responsible for technical error and letter error.

As bodrumcity.com, we do not accept any loss or damage that may arise from this data by not guaranteeing or taking responsibility for the validity, content, quality, copyright eligibility, or legality of this data.

Information in all products and promotions is not limited to these, but has the right to change prices, and product availability or any other feature without notice by the product supplier or promoter. It is recommended that you be cautious when browsing the Internet.

bodrumcity.com has the right to improve any part of the site, change deficiencies and errors without any obligation and using only its adulthood. Depending on its suitability, any information on the site can be used to change, but no liability is accepted for any errors. External links are provided to benefit the user within the framework of the content of the site. The supply of these links

does not constitute bodrumcity.com or endorsement of the listed websites. bodrumcity.com is not required in any way from the performance and representation of external links given, including its site. When you press an advertiser’s ad, sponsor links, or other external links, your browser can automatically direct you to a window that is not controlled or hosted by bodrumcity.com. bodrumcity.com and its partners are not responsible for the content, functionality, or technical safety of these external links.

We do not accept such a obligation as we have the right to remove these links that we supply from outside or the effectiveness of third-party links that come to our own site. This includes links from advertisers or outgoings, sponsors, and our partners who provide content.

The information provided by some dental links may be inappropriate, insulting, and inappropriate by some people. We do not accept responsibility for the accuracy, availability of information on a page that has been linked from outside, its status of relocation, copyright eligibility, compliance with the law or its suitability to society. bodrumcity.com will not put business listing sites in the guide before or after fully qualifying and assumes no responsibility for the content provided by third parties when entering this guide.

We have no control over the links on the bodrumcity.com website. Therefore, we are not directly or indirectly responsible for any damageor or loss that is alleged to have been caused or caused by or in connection with the use of or by any content, products or services, or by any content, products or services, or by any content, products or other materials contained or obtained from these websites or resources, as we are not responsible for the availability of the websites or resources we show.


The use of the bodrumcity.com site, its reance on its content, and the general use of the Internet are at the user’s own risk. bodrumcity.com is exempt from the accuracy, content, content, legal eligibility, reliability, procurement or functionality of the results displayed on its website.

This site is not responsible for products, information and damages caused by the site in any way, as it is and as available, without warranty.

bodrumcity.com waived all warranties based on the safety, reliability, timing, accuracy and performance of the site and its materials at the level permitted by the most comprehensive law. bodrumcity.com warranty as to correct any errors or incompetence, or that the content does not contain virus-free or damaging elements. You user who accesses or uses the website bodrumcity.com acknowledgethat the user does not guarantee that the bodrumcity.com website is free of any bad and damaging code, materials. It is your responsibility to provide, maintain and update all software and hardware requirements required to prevent such malicious and damaging codes or materials, the accuracy of data inlets – outputs or the recovery of any lost data. Such malicious codes or materials are not responsible for bodrumcity.com any damage seispers or damages caused by the user or third party for accidental or loss of data.

bodrumcity.com waived the guarantee of information, goods or services obtained by advertising from advertisements on its site or external links it supplies under the most comprehensive law. You are solely responsible for the right to evaluate all information provided through the bodrumcity.com Website, including content, and the accuracy, completeness and use of thought, advice, service or other information and materials. You agree that you take full responsibility and risk arising from the use of the website bodrumcity.com by accessing or using the website.


a) In any case, bodrumcity.com does not accept any damage to any user that may arise from these users abusing links provided on or outside the site. These damages include direct, private, criminal, indirect, or incidental damages, as

well as damages caused by profit, turnover, use or data under warranty, contracted or copyright infringed, public (including negligence) or other damages brought in for some other reason. Omissions and damages that may occur due to the content on its site and site are not accepted, ignoring whether bodrumcity.com is in line with its knowledge, or even if bodrumcity.com has been advised on the subject. any information, product, or service contained on bodrumcity.com site or obtained from the site assumes a legal responsibility for its accuracy and availability.

The user of this site accepts all user risks and responsibility both for this site and for public internet use.

The above limits are implemented in the whole and legal way of law, regardless of the actual meaning of any sign.

You are fully responsible for all damages, lawsuits and requests that you may incur due to good operation, maintenance, updating and failure to comply with these obligations, taxes and any monetary obligations of all telephone, computer hardware, internet and computer security and access to the site and any equipment required for access to the site and any equipment required for use.

b) Third Party Sites

Your correspondence or business dealings or participations with sales promotions of advertiser or service providers, such as payment, goods or service delivery, or any other terms and terms and representations relating to business relations, or representations relating to business relationships, are entirely your symit and your business dealings and your participation are among your and those advertisers or service providers. You take all the risks arising out of or as a result of all your transactions on the Internet and agree that we are not responsible or impeachable for the content on the site and the consequences that may arise from this content or incomplete content. You acknowledge and agree that we are not responsible or impeachable for the availability, accuracy, copyright, legality, morality or any other aspect of the content, advertising, products, services or other material contained on the Site. Terms and conditions used on linked sites; may differ from the terms and conditions in this document and may differ from the privacy policy offered by the bodrumcity.com site. We do not accept responsibility for any application, review or revision that will aresult of local licensing or local licensing of any business or revenue model listed on the Site. Since you and any third person on the website or who you have established a relationship with the website, the provision and delivery of the goods and services with any third person you have established on the website, and any other terms, terms, warrants and representation sits on your participation, correspondence or business relationships and any other relationship between you and the third person, the liability is only yours, as the responsibility is yours only because it is yours and the 3rd person is not responsible for any loss, damage or any other claims or bodrumcity.com any other claims or matters incurred as a result of such a relationship.


Changes to the bodrumcity.com website may occur periodically. the bodrumcity.com site may make improvements or changes without notifying products and services.

It is not responsible for any conduct that is sent from sites or any material from the sites. However, anyone using the bodrumcity.com site agrees and confirms that bodrumcity.com will supervise:

1- All relevant law specifications and staterequests 2- The site will be managed under proper conditions and protectitself and users. bodrumcity.com site reserves the right to accept, modify and reject any material contained or submitted on its site, which it considers to comply with any conditions or conditions or violate any law.


bodrumcity.com website will delete relevant materials at the request of the advertiser who decides to exit the advertisement for additional materials, including but not limited to the tracking rate and evaluations of the person or third party who uploaded the materials. bodrumcity.com website reserves the right to delete (or refuse to publish) materials that it knows or is unlawful ly in the system. bodrumcity.com site reserves the right to remove materials from its site. Materials placed on the bodrumcity.com site for advertising purposes may change for the purpose of ensuring length, clarity and/or integrity of the bodrumcity.com site with the General Broadcasting Standards.

bodrumcity.com reserves the right to disclose your current or historical user or website information if a judicial authority’s decision and/or bodrumcity.com deem it necessary, if your account determines that it is used for illegal actions, or in the event of credible evidence to justify it..


The user shall not be subject to violations of the terms of this Agreement, it pleads and declares that a third party, including intellectual and sinai rights, is responsible for any damages arising out of the third party’s account for any breach of their unlawful conduct, or by intellectual and cyafi rights, and shall not hold us and its parent company, its subsidiaries and other affiliates, its subsidiaries and other affiliates responsible for the compensation of such damages in any way to compensate us and their subsidiaries, subsidiaries and other affiliates, to the extent of such damages. These liabilities shall remain in force even if this Agreement terminates in any way. If you violate any clause of this agreement due to access to the bodrumcity.com website and the use of the website, you agree that you are responsible for all loss, expenditure, damage, etc. costs, including litigation fees and costs arising out of this breach, and that bodrumcity.com is not responsible for such charges in any way.

The owners, employees, representatives, licensors and sponsors of the bodrumcity.com website have the right to assert their reputation and account against the user.


as a bodrumcity.com, no liability is accepted for the use of third parties’ trademarks and control of copyrights. However, we may remove, suspend, or close access to users, members, or third parties who infringe copyrights, where we deem it in our own body and only where we deem it appropriate.

Therefore, if you are aware that your copyrighted business or brand has been reproduced without permission on this site or the links to this site, and you want legal action to be taken in this regard, you are obliged to deliver the following information (under the Digital Copyright Act) to us: Physical or electronic signature of the person who has the right to trade on behalf of the brand or brand for the situation deemed to have been infringed by copyright, the definition of the work thought to be infringed copyright, the definition of the work that is thought to be infringed and therefore removed, and all the information required to identify this work by us, the email address, address and phone number you wish to contact you, an official document that is not used with the permission given by the brand or brand representatives of

the work that infringes you with the copyright, , and the official document on the accuracy of all the information and documents presented and the person providing the documents has the authority to do so on behalf of the brand and brand.

Please email info@bodrumcity.com with these documents.


The provisions of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of Turkey and shall be construed accordingly. The Parties agree that the law of the region and country where the User resides or de facto, including the dispute provisions of the Republic of Turkey, shall not apply to the provisions of this Agreement, and that the courts of the Republic of Turkey are authorized by the courts of the Republic of Turkey for all dispute and claim relating to the Agreement or arising from the Convention. The user is responsible for the implementation of the applicabday law. The User shall not in any way violate any applicable Laws, international conventions or any other state’s laws, and may not violate the laws of the Republic of Turkey, the Laws of the Republic of Turkey, the international conventions to which the Republic of Turkey is a party, other international conventions and other country laws, containing harmful, threatening, insulting and swearing, in violation of the rights of a criminal and any other person in a manner that is abusive or abusive, unjustty or libelous, vulgar, obscene, abusive or otherwise, or any other criminal and legal message that may violate the privacy rights of any other person. does not transmit information, data, text, software or images or any other kind of material, bodrumcity.com will not represent or express its website and its affiliated partners, owners/owners or officials, but are not limited to any person or business as representative of that person or business, or express its interest in these individuals and businesses in a way that is misleading and misleading and in the public’s minds, such as text, pictures, graphics, proprietary trademarks, trademarks, trademarks and names, as well as text, images, graphics, proprietary trademarks, trademarks, trademarks and names, as well asdoes not modify or delete any material included in the website content, but not limited to, Viruses acknowledge that it will not place or transmit any malicious codes and materials, such as trojanhorses, spy programs, and so on, that the website will not use its communication features, resources in any way to restrict or destroy other users’ ability, will not direct or otherwise display the site for its own purpose using framing (framing) or similar navigation allotments.

An exceptional situation required for any part of the terms is bodrumcity.com and is accepted if signed in writing by you. bodrumcity.com has the right to investigate violations of any substance in this specification and initiate any legal action that it deems appropriate accordingly. These transactions may not be limited to what is written, but may report any violations to law enforcement and other relevant third parties. In addition, during this process, you can bodrumcity.com all the information you need; e-mail addresses, site usage date, published content, IP addresses, and any information about traffic, has the right to give to the relevant persons. bodrumcity.com have all rights specified equally by the law in the event of a violation of the above mentioned conditions.